The Importance of “Trust” in Supply Chain Management

The importance of “Trust” in Supply Chain Management has never more been more critical. SupplySentry enables increased trust through Real-Time Inventory Management One of the most critical factors in a committed and collaborative relationship between supply chain partners is trust. If trust is present it can improve the chances of a successful supply chain relationship; […]

Make your lean operation even leaner still with SupplySentry RFID Inventory Management

It is well known that lean processes reduce waste and redundancy which in turn benefits profitability. Sound lean operation practices can impact every aspect of our businesses. Inventory management is still a time-consuming task for almost any manufacturing company. This can be especially true for products not closely monitored by your ERP System. In flexo […]

Inventory Management Tools for Uncertain Times

We appreciate the challenges everyone is currently facing and recognize that we all prioritize the safety of our employees and strive to maintain the needed levels of service to our clients. These are difficult times to navigate how best to engage with our customers on technologies we believe can offer solutions given the current circumstances. […]

SupplySentry can’t fix FOMO but We Can Help with FORO (and some other phobias too)

Many of us have heard or experienced the Fear of Missing Out (#FOMO), especially in a world of Facebook and Instagram. APR can’t help there, but we can definitely help with the Fear of Running Out (#FORO). And what if FORO is affecting your ability to give others FOMO? This is when you are on […]

No Surprises

No one in business like surprises. Businesses need to flow. A smooth, surprise-free flow. Surprises tend to cause interruptions, interruptions tend to cause losses, losses cost time and money. Some surprises are preventable. SupplySentry can prevent one of the worst surprises, running out of supplies. That no longer has to be one of those surprises […]

No Need to Count

Think of the hours spent taking inventory of supplies that you have in stock. Counting boxes and taking notes to make sure that you don’t run out of things. Whose job is it to count what? how often do we need to take a count? Where do they hide the emergency backup stock? How many […]

No More Stock-Outs

Imagine a world where the supplies you need are always waiting on your shelf. No more scrambling to find a roll of the stickyback that you need to mount the plates for that rush job for your most important customer. SupplySentry continually monitors the stock on your shelf, so it always knows just what you […]